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DBG Spotlight (8-26-15)

Yesterday, the 8th Planned Parenthood video has been released.  Once again, the issues are clearly presented.  The organization that receives 50 million dollars from the United States government annually is guilty of murdering little unborn babies and selling their body parts.  It’s time that we respond in this nation.  Our response should be to outlaw the barbarous act of baby murder.

The 8th Planned Parenthood Video + A Prayer at the Protest, and Counsel for Healing from an Abortion – Justin Taylor has a packed post on the Planned Parenthood scandal and abortion issue.  First he provides an overview of the latest video regarding the Planned Parenthood debacle.  Next, he posts some words from John Piper regarding the protests.  In addition, David Powlison talks about how to work through the shame and guilt of an abortion and seek healing.

Trichotomy: A Beachhead For Gnostic Influences – While working through some questions for our upcoming pastoral staff Q&A, I ran across this article by Kim Riddlebarger on the issue of Trichotomy vs. Dichotomy.  I don’t agree with every point in this article, but it was quite helpful as I worked through the issues.

Zambian Reformed Conference  – This week the 26th annual Zambian Reformed Conference is being held in Zambia, Africa at the Lusaka Baptist Church.  Preaching in the conference is Joel Beeke, Steven Lawson, Voddie Baucham, Conrad Mbewe and others.  If you would like to listen to the sermons, you can find them on the Lusaka Baptist Church website.

Should Women Wear Head Coverings? – Benjamin L. Merkle describes the cultural implications and theological implications related to women wearing head coverings.  He writes, “But Paul’s argument from creation in 1 Corinthians 11:8–9 is not directly given to mandate women must wear head coverings. Rather, his argument from creation explains how man is the image and glory of God, and how the woman is the glory of man. Christian women are not required to wear head coverings today when praying, since the symbol of a woman’s head being covered is different today than it was during the time of Paul (at least in many cultures). Consequently, Paul’s argument from creation is only indirectly linked to the need for head coverings.”

The post DBG Spotlight (8-26-15) appeared first on Christian Blogs - Delivered By Grace.

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